Well.. the day has finally arrived. We are now a USDA approved slaughterhouse and ready for business. What started as just a small idea, has turned into a great adventure, and we excited to open and start serving Tennessee and the surrounding areas. If you’re new to the Underground Farmers and Underground Slaughter group, welcome! We hope that everyone will get to know us better from our blog, and stay up to date with all of our happenings.
A little back story – Underground Slaughter was formally known as the Niko plant, a staple in Walling TN. Since its closing, the area has not had a community based slaughter house until now. We are even offering CSA (but we will get to that in a minute). UGS is now owned by Larry and Jaqueline Masters, and a lot of updates have been made! Some of the biggest improvements include all new equipment with a larger capacity scalder (300 bird per hour), a larger evisceration area, and larger packaging area. This place has been fully restored. An expansion is in the works now, and it will become bigger and better! Heck, you can even to stop by to see how things are going and meet the new owners!
If you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter (why not?!) you can do so here: https://www.facebook.com/UndergroundSlaughter/app/100265896690345. Our last newsletter included our services. These include:
Whole or Cut-up
Custom Packaging
Portion Control
Weight Recording
Weight Sorting
Coming Soon: poultry grinding and sausage making.
Coming Soon: Air Chilling. Air-Chilled Poultry is cooled by passing the birds through several chambers where cold, purified air is used to cool the meat - resulting in no added moisture, stronger flavor and less chance for contamination.This could be a nice marketing option for many producers.
Swine, Goat, Sheep, Lamb
We plan to offer these services on a limited first come basis. Call for details.
Cattle and Larger Livestock
Currently we do not have space to process anything larger than a hog. We are expanding though, and plan to offer this service in the future.
Curing and Smoking
We are currently working on our HACCP to start offering curing and smoking. This will be an added value for you to market to your customers.
We are very competitive with other slaughterhouses (our price lists are posted), and will be certified organic. We will work on large production, or small scale orders.
We will also be offering CSA. Not sure what that means? Community Supported Agriculture. For over 25 years, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has become a popular way buy locally produced food directly from a farmer. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of "shares" to the public. Our share will be one whole chicken per week for 20 weeks starting in June and ending in October. The average weight of chicken will be 4+ lbs! The cost of the CSA is $420 for Whole Chicken and $500 for cut up (Cut up includes 2 legs, 2 bone-in thighs, 2 wings and 2 bone-in breast). Of course it is not GMO, and pasture raised, as is all of our meat!
We know this is a lot to keep up with, but stay with us, it will be worth it! Our blog will be offering updates, specials, and even recipes (YUM!) that you can use with our products.